This was our house, yard and neighborhood before we all moved on. Past objects of personal importance are combined and redefined into extraordinary relevance, dealing with my own feelings of home, the suburban dream, a family gone, and the death of a lover.
I’m a painter trapped in a photographer’s body, interested in my performative narrative expressed when time is compressed onto a single sheet of film.
The photograph starts from an initial conceit as the shutter opens but closes with a painter’s sense of completion; F/11 until it’s done. The exposure is the illusion.
I walk through a scene painting objects with whatever light seems right, often leaving hints of, or need for human presence. The simple, yet intense use of color conjures the nature of dreams -- lacking everyday details -- generous in symbolism.
These images are caught in my dreams. I bring them to the surface as an underwater photographer brings his images up from the ocean deep.
Cul de Sac
Marks of light using tricolor filtering during an extended exposure performance onto a single sheet of film. All of this is analog, 1985 - 1991.
Tales from Turtle Creek, PA
Last Christmas
Dad and cigarette
Turtles' Grave
Anxious Flamingo
Bound to Fail
Female Dog
Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep
Self Portrait
Gabrial's Kiss
Home Life